I am Blany ( Thunder Dragon Nobody is Perfect)
Born on 20 march 2022
My parents are Jen-ai ( Thunder Dragon Hadiya) and Kaipo ( Bravo)
Height 40 cm ( inch 15.5)
Von Willebrands Factor: bloodtested Free. Genotype N/N
Patella luxation: free. Grade 0/0
ISAG 2066 DNA profile is known
Degenerative Myelopathy Exon free
Hyperurecemie free
Juvenile Dilated Cardiomyopathie free
Maligne Hyperthermie free
Primaire lensluxatie free
Progressieve Retina Atrofie free
Xanthinurie type 2 free
I am an open and very social dog. Everybody can get my kisses. I live together with another Manchester terrier Roxy and 2 cats. I like to run and play with other dogs. I am mother of 4 children
Dutch Youth Champion
Holland Cup Youth Winster